
bouquet of 51 pink spray roses 5155 ₴
Flowers in a Box "Self Perfection" 12030 ₴
Bouquet "Pink scattering" 13050 ₴
bouquet of 101 imported white roses, 80 cm 12745 ₴
Bouquet in a velvet bag "Timid Hope" 3325 ₴
bouquet of 51 pink roses 3080 ₴
Roses in the Basket "Scent of Love" 5255 ₴
bouquet of 101 pink roses 6080 ₴
Bouquet of 201 Coral Roses 8999 ₴
Bouquet "Pink Shimmer" 6415 ₴
Flowers in a Ceramic Vase "Gentle Rustle" 3915 ₴
Bouquet of 101 Coral Roses 4699 ₴
Flowers in a Ceramic Vase "Favorite Time" 4460 ₴
bouquet of 21 pink peonies 7640 ₴
Flowers with a toy "For my princess" 4045 ₴
Bouquet of 51 Red Tulips 2960 ₴
Bouquet of 15 Pink Lisianthus 4295 ₴
Flowers in a Hat Box "Happy Day" 5645 ₴
Tulips in a basket "You gave me summer" 2630 ₴
Bouquet of 51 Purple Peony Tulips 3190 ₴
Flowers in a Ceramic Vase "White Cloud" 5870 ₴
101 Peach Roses in a Hat Box 6220 ₴