Bouquets for men

Bouquet "In my dreams" 1785 ₴
bouquet "lilac passion" 3910 ₴
Bouquet "Golden Dreams" 1660 ₴
bouquet of 51 imported white roses (80 cm) 6405 ₴
bouquet of 51 Premium red roses (80 cm) 4999 ₴
bouquet of 35 carnations in packaging 1675 ₴
Bouquet of 51 Premium White Roses 80 cm 4999 ₴
Bouquet "Man's whim" 2755 ₴
Bouquet of 21 El Toro roses in a packaging 1455 ₴
Bouquet of 21 Premium Red Roses 80 cm 2120 ₴
Bouquet "Sunny" 5335 ₴
Bouquet of 21 Prenium white roses, 70 cm 2115 ₴
bouquet "summer gift" 685 ₴
bouquet "clear morning" 1175 ₴